£39 for 1 hour or £49 for 1.5 hours Including FREE PRINTED Demo CD
Producer on the day
1 printed CD copy of the songs recorded plus songs emailed
All in a relaxed fun and supportive environment
Recording sessions are no different to a pop star coming in to record a new single. However, for a newbie, it is quite the thrill. Over the years many people have come to our studio to get a firsthand experience in music making, enjoy a couple of hours, and spend some quality studio time within a professional environment geared to relaxation. At Lolipop Studios, we let you watch the entire production technique – from start to finish.
We are aware of performance anxiety and the feeling of intense nervousness that sinks in when you are about to sing for the first time. Despite this, we’ll show you how to overcome your inhibitions and refine your vocal ability for that top performance. At our studio, our digital facility and expert producers make singing a cakewalk.
Your musical journey with Lolipop Studios will begin with a little show-around of our recording studio. Meanwhile, you will be able to meet our record producer. This will be followed by a discussion on the songs you choose and roughly the amount of time they will take to record.
In our experience the fewer people you bring to the session the better your performance. We have found that too many people can make the studio feel very cluttered and also put unnecessary stress on the performer
With us guiding you, you can sing and record your
You will also be able to take home a souvenir CD carrying the songs we have recorded in the exclusive session. At Lolipop Studios, all tracks are recorded with utmost precision prior to copying them onto a commercial standard CD. There is no limit on how many songs you want to record, except the studio time.
We promise your Singing Star Experience is going to be a lot of fun and very much enjoyable. Expect constant support from our studio staff whenever you need us. As music enthusiasts, we draw immense pleasure from working with fellow like-minds. Beginners to seasoned pro – everyone is welcome at our recording studio.
Waiting To Be The Next Singing Sensation In Town? Let’s Begin With Lolipop Studios